Friday, April 20, 2012

Check, check, check!

Happy Friday everyone!

I don't know about all of you, but I feel like lately my life is one big whirlwind of stuff to do.  Not necessarily bad stuff, but there's a lot going on.  I blame the wedding. :-)

As much as I love the planning process of making an event happen, I feel like the most satisfactory part of planning this wedding is when I get to check off a box on my to do list. Dress shopping? Check! Venue? Check!  We finally figured out our save the dates and invitations last week and I got such a rush out of checking this off the list.  I know I have so much more to go to get this done, but knowing the end is in sight and at that end I get to see my fiance's smiling face is definitely worth it.

This weekend we go to pick out rental items (tents, place settings etc) and do a tasting with the caterer.  After we figure that out, we're celebrating with going to see the tulips up in Mt. Vernon, check out the street fair and lunch/wine tasting at Carpenter Creek.  Supposedly the weather's planning on cooperating so that makes it all that much sweeter. Although if M has his way we'll be checking out the new Cabelas opening, after all Troy from Swamp People will be there. ;-)

So...any good weekend plans?  And if you're planning a wedding do you feel like this as well?

1 comment:

  1. I am so addicted to making lists and then checking things off... and it's absolutely imperative when wedding planning! Don't forget to enjoy the process while you're at it, though. Meeting with caterers and tasting food was one of our favorite things we did together. :)


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