Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ten on Turkey Day

I'm a little behind as Thanksgiving was dumped in my lap yesterday so let's get this started! Compiled at Roots & Rings (Chelsea) and questions provided by E is Random (Elizabeth).

1. What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?

This year was supposed to be at my grandparent's place, but my grandpa caught a horrible cold.  As of yesterday morning a few phone calls were made and now it's at my place.

2. What are you most thankful for this year?

A great group of people around me.  Family, friends & future family make things wonderful.

3. Do you have any traditions on Thanksgiving? The parade? Football? Long naps?

In our family this is the start of having lefse.  For those not of Scandinavian decent, it's kind of like a potato tortilla. You put butter & sugar on it, then roll it up.

For M he insisted on the Macy's parade & football on TV at all times.

4. Is it called stuffing or dressing? Is it in the bird or a separate dish?

It's called stuffing if it's inside the bird, and dressing outside the bird.  We usually have both.

5. Do you cook?

I do this year!  I usually bring a few dishes (I was supposed to bring 3 apps) but I'm going to attempt a 25 lb turkey and have 20 people over to my house.  Please wish me luck, I'll need it!

6. What is your favorite dish?

I love stuffing & cranberries (real, not in a can).  Oh, and the wine. :-)

7. What is your dessert preference?

Pumpkin pie all the way, with real whipped cream.

8. What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?

When I was little I used to sit on my grandparent's organ seat at the table because it was a little higher up.

9. Do you plan to shop on Black Friday?

Absolutely not.  I have a hard enough time shopping on a normal day, I can't handle that many people being inconsiderate.  M might go out tomorrow on his own though, he loves a good deal.

10. What are you most dreading about Thanksgiving this year?

Honestly? Part of me is dreading hosting...only because it's harder to get away.  When we have this many people together I usually need a few mins to get away and recharge.  It's easier when it's at someone else's house, but if I have to lock myself in the pantry I'll do it. Ha!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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